We pride ourselves on our adaptability and commitment in every aspect of our service. Below is a range or work and approaches that we can offer.
Bespoke whole school training
We offer bespoke training packages that are tailored to the needs and circumstances of the school and staff. These can be twilight sessions or part of CPD days and can be catered to the individual time available. Training packages can be delivered according to a wide variety of topics and are individualised to school priorities.
Previous sessions have included: Attachment Needs in the Classroom, Trauma Informed Schools, Zones of Regulation, An Introduction to Executive Functioning, Supporting Neurodiversity in the Classroom, Supporting Transitions, Lego Based Intervention Groups, Play and learning in KS1, Building Resiliency, Sensory Circuits, Becoming 'Ready' Schools. Other topics are available upon negotiation/request
Individual child assessment work
We offer individual assessments with children to explore and better understand their presentation, strengths and support needs. Assessments can include observation, consultation, questionnaire data, play activities, games, and standardised assessments.
We have a range of formal and informal assessment activities to explore cognitive and learning skills, social skills, emotional understanding, wellbeing, belonging, play, cooperative skills, motivation, executive function, social communication, and memory (amongst others).
All assessments are fed back in a written report - the level of detail and purpose to be agreed at the start of the work. Reports can take the form of assessment summaries, pupil profiles, strategies and support ideas, infographics, detailed reports to support EHCP applications, or letters to a child. It is preferrable to share these reports at a feedback review meeting with staff and parents at the end of the work.
Person centred planning
We strive on offering person centred approaches; always keeping the child at the centre of discussions, target setting, and support. We can support discussions to consider what is important to the child, as well as what is important for a child. We utilise a range of approaches to act as an advocate for children to gain their views, including those who are unable to express themselves using language. We can offer techniques to structure review meetings and facilitate person centred planning.
Consultation and problem solving work
We offer a range of approaches to explore and problem solve situations with staff and/or families. Meetings can focus on exploring an understanding of a situation and/or generating an action plan and next steps. We offer reflection and review to explore the impact and success of these action plans and to continue to work towards supporting change. We offer a range of theoretical approaches including Solution Oriented Consultation, Appreciative Inquiry, and Reflective Teams.
Intervention packages
We can offer a variety of group or individual based intervention programmes. These packages can include supporting executive functioning skils, social skills, emotional regulation, sensory regulation, and preparing for transition. Techniques include motivational interviewing, lego based techniques, personal construct based approaches, cognitive behavioural approaches, and sensory integration approaches. We also offer support and supervision to school staff who wish to develop delivering interventions.
Local Authority associate work
We offer associate work for Local Authorities to meet Statutory Assessment demands. We carry out thorough and meaningful work with children, their families and staff as part of an EHCP assessment.
Exam Concession assessments
We offer specific assessments of a young person's cognitive and learning skills to provide information for a school's or college's application for reasonable adjustments for formal examinations (access arrangements). Further information available upon request/discussion

Some of our feedback:
"Assessments are very detailed with excellent ideas/ strategies for staff to add to support plans"
“Following our work with Rachel, we were able to have some understanding of why a child was struggling and more importantly how to support the child"
"Rachel has such a lovely manner when she talks to parents and reassures them"
"The reports provided are excellent and very easy to read"
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